Friday, December 25, 2009

can married couples get sexually transmitted diseases or aids?

can they still get aids or other sexual diseases even if they were virgin when they got married and they haven't been together for a long time and they have only had each other as sex partners ,despite all of that would they also be at risk of sexual diseases ? do they have to go for sexual health check ups too ? i know it's a silly question ,i think i can find the answer on other websites but i want to hear about your personal answers and comments please thanks can married couples get sexually transmitted diseases or aids?
If it's each other as sex partner's everything can be fine. But their are several std's out their that can be transmitted by physical contact. Like seating on public bathrooms. Or sharing needles, or any sexual objects in that case. But if you guys are careful with this then everything is fine. Try an check online for std's because different ones can be transmitted this way, but other than that everything is fine if both partners are just active themselves :) :) :) can married couples get sexually transmitted diseases or aids?
Of course a married couple can get AIDS if they have been infected with HIV. If HIV infection is discovered early enough then medications can help in the replication of the virus and they can go on to live a long life.

AIDS is not a disease, it is a syndrom that develops after infection with HIV and leaves the body vunerable to disease. It may or may not develope in each case of HIV infection.

You can not transmit AIDS, you transmit the virus that causes AIDS.
Generally STIs can't just materialise, you have to catch them from someone else, so if both partners are initially virgins and neither is unfaithful they should not get an infection.

There is a 'but' however, some people consider thrush an STI, however it can arise in a woman unrelated to intercourse, for example following a course of antibiotics, it could then be spread to the male partner. Also some STIs can be spread other than by sex, most can be spread for example by needle sharing in drug addicts. In the past, before the rigorous screening that is now carried out, infections could also be spread by blood transfusions. Also they could theoretically be spread by other needle stick injuries.

Okay, they don't have to stray.

STDs are passed by transmitting bodily fluids.


Someone with HIV coughs blood into a healthy persons eye, therefore, the healthy person may get HIV.

Anybody who has sex with somebody or receives infected blood in anyway, can get an STD.

Also, a person born to an STD sufferer (whilst pregnant), would probably have an STD.
Yes, it's possible. They should get tested together. But if one cheats can bring STDs to the other. I read about a man who was having sex with men while he was married. Yet, he was going home and sleeping with her. He ended up with AIDS virus and so did she. How awful for her.

Really something to worry about in this day and age. It freaks me out to think about this. Some straight acting men are good at hiding that they're bi.

Anyway, I think it's less likely if they are monogamous.
statements of being a virgin should be taken with a grain of salt. It is possible to have an STD and not have symptoms. There is no test for HPV for men, but they can spread it to women just the same. A yearly pap smear should be fine for the female, if you feel your mate is not being faithful, testing for STD's would be appropriate. If you become pregnant, STD screening is part of the prenatal profile that most Dr's will order.
My friend had a std and she was a virgin

i can't remember what it was called but it was passed from her mother during pregnancy

her mum should of got something sorted

But otherwise one person in the marriage must have slept with someone else

I definately recommend a check up if u know anyone that does have one

Yep! When I went to get the pill, the doctor made me take a chlamydia test. And I said I didn't want to because anytime I'd slept with a guy I'd used a condom etc. But apparently, just bodily contact can create it. And even if they'd slept with no one else before, just think, STD's have to originate from somewhere at some point.
AIDS you could get from blood transfusion. But its unlikely with the testing, if you get your transfusion in the states. But no if the two of you aren't sleeping around, you shoudn't get AIDS or other STD's
no, if they haven't touched anyone elses privates and that they have never had any one elses bodily function fluids in them then there good
yes they can, if any of the parents had a disease during pregnancy or during breast feeding on might have gotten it.

There would have to be infidelity somewhere along the line to inherit that.
I one of the couple plays away, then anything is possible
If they were both virgins then no.

But anyone can get AIDS/STDs
only if one was messing around on the other one
Only if one strayed

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