Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do interracial couples try to draw attention to their selves in public?

It seems like interracial couples go out in public and want everybody to notice them.Do interracial couples try to draw attention to their selves in public?
Wow me and a bunch of friends talked about this about a week or 2 ago.

Now I had a white Cuban bf for almost 5 yrs. and trust we didn't need to try to get attention. It wasn't too common to see Latino men especially the fairer ones with a black girl lol....we didn't need to try to get attention and neither did my friend who is his sister when she was with her children's father who is black American (Taye Diggs color) for almost 7 yrs, people just look.

There are white girls especially and asian females etc with black men who like to show them off sure.....not all and there are black men who loved to showcase their non-black woman like trophies but not all because I'm sure plenty are truly in love or aren't worried about getting attention and just want to be a normal couple. I don't think all interracial couples go out just because they want people to notice them like they are something super special or different because pssssh these days interracial dating is extremely common. I usually walk past a white girl and black man holding hands or kissing and think nothing of it.Do interracial couples try to draw attention to their selves in public?
I just try to mind my own business, I can't help it that people want to look at me and my husband.
Some whom I've spoken to have said that they like the attention. But the attention is not always positive. That's a bad and insecure reason to date someone if you ask me.

When I dated outside of my race, we got plenty of unwanted stares and some smiles too.

I'd like to think that interracial couples date one another because of a common ground or spiritual attraction to one another, but that's not always the case.
Although I am sure some IR couples are like this, I'd think the opposite to be the norm.

I've been in an IR relationship for nearly 20 years (married almost 17 years) and my husband and I prefer to just go about our business and hope that others will do the same. We aren't into PDA's, though. The most we'll do is hold hands or he'll put his arm around me, and even that is rare.

I don't care to see ANY couple kissing, groping, etc. and I'm sure others feel the same.
It's apparent you have never been apart of an interracial couple...

The reason we are noticed is because of the natural and unique blend of the two races colliding together...most interracial couples can careless if they are noticed...

Can you elaborate on why you really are asking this question...have you noticed a couple that did this??? Very strange-
no they dont maybe you are the one trying to draw attention to them so that it may seem they are trying to draw attention. and i do agree with Tambourine!
Maybe and maybe not. The new guy Im seeing is white (and part hispanic) and Im black. He seems to be into that thing were he kind of wants people to notice us and he'll hug me and hold my hands when he sees people staring. I think its cute lol
no i dont .... and i wish people would stop looking at our color and just see that we love each other
LoL @ shabazz. It's time for you to go take a nap.


Well, from my past experiences some* interracial couples do want to be seen. *ahem* Some of them like to cause problems and act nasty when there is really no need. I think the nasty behavior stems from assuming that other people care about their relationship status. It's not good to assume.
Maybe YOU are the one paying too much attention.
You sound like a lonely hater. I can kiss my man all I want. And he's latino!
I think ALL couples do that, NOTHING to do with RACE
I'm in an interracial relationship and we don't try to draw attention to ourselves - it just so happens that people notice us and stare like we're circus freaks (in certain areas of town). That's their problem, not ours.

Nikigirl - Did you seriously just write that?
No we don't. Perhaps you should stop gawking at us like we are alien creatures.
I don't think thats true. They are just trying to mind there own business like normal people.
really ? cuz the only time i had the misfortune or fortune, however you wanna percieve it, to date a white woman, i always hid from everyone. i didnt want angry sisters all up in my bidness and i dint want to start whooping on white bwaiis for looking at me wrong cuz i dint wanna do no mo time in prison son

lol lacedout sup mami
i have been part of interracial couples and i can say that i did not want the attention at all

but i have noticed that some of them do try to get attention and are looking to achieve some satisfaction in making people mad or something

i am very perceptive and have noticed that more of late

but honestly, as a person who has been there, just being what you are puts a spotlight on you
I don't think they do, on the contray some of them act stuck up. Specifically, the ones who are not white
I am a mixed black and white woman and i agree, interracial couples do appear to be in search of attention when they date . Most of the time the people involved in the relationship are obese and unattractive and unemployed, except my parents who are well off and gorgeous and not obese

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