Saturday, January 23, 2010

What do divorced couples do with their wedding and engagement rings?

After the couples get divorced, do they toss the wedding and engagement rings away?What do divorced couples do with their wedding and engagement rings?
I don't know what other people do and could care less to follow the norm. I still wear mine on my right hand and I think he wears his on his neck sometimes. The rings don't symbolize anything more than a piece of jewelry. I can't just toss it because it cost a lot and I don't want to sell it because I love the diamond and the design---so why not wear it?What do divorced couples do with their wedding and engagement rings?
Sell them on Ebay or get the diamonds taken out and put them on something else.
keep them as reminders why you hate men lol or sell them for money but its nice if you keep them its a memory and a piece of your life time =]
save it in case you get married again. or just sell it online, pawn shops are dirty and gross.
Depends on how the divorce ended but most sell their rings or pawn them, wouldn't toss them if you can get some money. Maybe you could give them to a friend if you consider tossing.
Keep them for a rainy day, then sell them if necessary.
Hi Cathy! Try Ebay. You might score more there for it than you would at a pawn shop. Happy singlehood! Enjoy it!
they throw them away or pawn them!!
Sell it or Pawn it. Most people I know then use the money to go shopping %26amp; splurg it on themsleves.
I would pawn mine.
save them to give to their kids if there was of any value to it.
Don't waist your money!! Sell them, here in Yahoo or try E-bay, I am sure you will get good money for them.

Good luck!!
Everyone has to make that decision for themselves. I sold mine and enjoyed the money.
I kept them for my daughter. When she is grown she can have them.
go to the nearest, major, high bridge and close ur eyes throw one and make a wish (use engament ring)

Then take the wedding ring and close ur eyes and wish he will nevr be in your life again when you throw it

**remember to mean it **
I pawned mine rings. My ex probably did the same.
I sold mine to buy a new refrigerator!
or get $ for them
put um on ebay
Some people toss the rings to get rid of the bag mojo. Most people pawn them. I pawned mine! Now, if it鈥檚 an engagement ring and the marriage never takes place, the gal should return the ring to the guy. There was a supreme court ruling on that about a month ago- and it鈥檚 the right thing to do.
I pond mine.
my friend threw hers in the river (pawning sounded like a wiser idea to me)
I saved mine so I can pass them to my son when he is ready to marry. Doubt he will use the actual rings, but he can have the gold melted down and have a new set fashioned for his fiancee.
some keep them for their children and some sell them or trade them in for a bigger ring for thier next wedding..atleast that what my ex did
my friend had hers melted into another ring
It's in a drawer somewhere.

I wonder if I can get it melted down and turned into something useful?

Oops. That's a question. Oh well, it's along the same thread......
sell them or keep them just for meomry
That is what I did.
pawn shops are good. Or, if you have a child from the marriage, you can take the rings to a jeweler and the can make them into something nice you can give your child to say....the marriage didn't work, but you are someone so special that came from our time together, this (necklace, ring) is for you to remember that.
uuhh pawn them
  • zits
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