Friday, January 15, 2010

Do notary publics have the power to marry couples?

My sister says she and her husband had a notary public in a bank in North Carolina marry them. I had never heard of that before so I was curious as to if it was true or my sister is full of it.Do notary publics have the power to marry couples?
I would say no way, unless that Notary Public has authorization from the State to marry people.

Those two licenses are totally different. Although I suspect, that there are those who have them both. I would hope your sister, checked up on that before they god ';married';.

In most wedding ceremonies, the minister or whomever is conducting the ceremony, usually states, ';By the Power invested in me, by the State of North Carolina, I now pronounce you man and wife';

Your sister, should check up on that issue, as later on down the line, there could be legal ramifications, if it turns out, the Notary Public, had no authority to conduct weddings.Do notary publics have the power to marry couples?
No they do not. you have to be married by someone licensed to marry. If the notary is Licensed then yes. But more times not. Judge, priest, Ships captain. Or alternative religious leader who is recognized. Did they sign wedding certificate and did they register them at city hall. They must register it at city hall to be legal.
Not in California they don't. I have never heard of that.

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