Thursday, May 13, 2010

Why are people considering forbidding the marriage or reproduction of some couples?

The United States is considering passing a law that forbids certain couples to marry or reproduce.Why are people considering forbidding the marriage or reproduction of some couples?
never heard of that... provide us with more info or linksWhy are people considering forbidding the marriage or reproduction of some couples?
I haven't heard anything about forbidding anyone to reproduce. But I know they are trying to keep gay couples from marrying.
I haven't heard anuthing about that. I don't think they could even do that. It is a free country.
Any law that forbids any couple to reproduce would be unconstitutional. That doesn't mean it won't get passed by congress, since it's controlled by narrow-minded republicans, but it won't hold up under supreme court review.

Most states already forbid certain couples to marry -- gay couples. That's also unconstitutional, and will eventually be overturned. There used to be similar laws preventing inter-racial marriages, and they've all been thrown out (finally) by courts. Eventually gay marriage prohibitions will be also, though it may still take a while...simply because their legal logic is untenable according to the constitution.

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