Sunday, January 17, 2010

What are some important things that successful couples do everyday to maintain their relationship?

Communicate!What are some important things that successful couples do everyday to maintain their relationship?
If you don't have honesty, communication, and respect in a relationship... you have nothing.What are some important things that successful couples do everyday to maintain their relationship?
Respect each other, communicate, make sure they know they are appreciated every day, thank them for doing little things for you, compliment each other. Let her/him sleep in and you take care of things.

I know it sounds like alot, but little things go a long way!
Always doing something, new and coming up with something new to do.
Trust.Honesty.Communication.Respect. If you don't have any of those..then your relationship will not work out. If you know each other very well, and can talk about anything..then you two are less likely to have problems.

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