Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Without quoting your bible, can you make a case why same sex couples should be denied the right to marry?

And please leave ';God'; and Bible quotes out of your answer as we expect to leave religion out of government policy.

Remember in your answer we are suppose to be a ';free'; country.Without quoting your bible, can you make a case why same sex couples should be denied the right to marry?
i don't think that's possible for the bible freaks on here,i don't see any plausible reasons why they shouldn't be allowed to get married so i'd like to see a well thought out answer to this....Without quoting your bible, can you make a case why same sex couples should be denied the right to marry?
You think it was by accident? You wanna believe you desended from trees and ate bugs that's your problem. Me, I'd rather believe that I am special, I'm WORTH something. And being worth something I don't go around giving myself away or ';soul searching'; biggest BS lie the gov. sent out.

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haha, you're funny. Some people still eat bugs today so maybe we are not too far off from what you claim we use to be

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hell, if u want to do it, dats fine by me, not that i have ne say

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if two men or two women want to be ';married'; then i would like to have two wives. there are plenty of women out there that would go for this. due to the lack of high quality men...it just seems the next logical step in the ongoing saga...
Same sex relationships are unproductive unions, X + X = 0, Y + Y =0 , A lot of M/F Marriages are unproductive in a compatibility scence. You are right, it's a free country so I reserve that right to say ';different strokes'; they are people and people do strange things to each other. Be it done by State or Church that piece of paper doesn't mean sqwat when in the big scheme of things.
There is a procreation argument, but that is geenrally flawed with advances in genetic research and cloning. In general, the best argument against gay marriage is that it is against the dominant social norms of society. This is a similar argument as to why there should be no death penalty or abortions. However, that argument is shaky at best. There is no real definition of marriage, just a conception of it. A main problem is the fact that those people who are not married are denied approximately 141 rights afforded to married peoples (hospital visits, tax breaks, etc.) The entire issue is over those 141 rights.
Okay I will leave god out of it when you and your boyfriend make a child between the two of you%26gt;And that is without the help of any doctor medical science.

When to men come together that is sick and against nature, there is no way that to men can make a child so what is the point other than you are just plain sick.

The reason that I am being rude is you wanted me to leave god out of it.

when two have a baby with out help, then I will still never concider it normal
If gays were allowed to marry that would make the current president appear to be a failure! We certainly wouldn't want the world laughing at the USA and their failure of a president would we? Afterall, the public opinion of the USA throughout the world is so wonderful today, given all of the fantastic things that have been done to free Iraq and fight terrorism. Im sure we are just days away from capturing Bin Laden and ending Al Qaeda! Maybe we can allow gay marriage once Bin Laden has been caught?
Living human kind is not the creator of heaven and earth.

And our creator's universal constituition and universal laws say so on planet earth.

Look around at the plagues that is around you with no cure for the illnesses.

Do you want to mess around with our creator in your so-called ';free'; country on planet earth.
Unfortunately it is only the religious freaks are against it.. Though it seems
Can never truly be a family?

in the dictionary, family is decribed as:

a.Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.

b.All the members of a household under one roof.

so, yes, technically homosexuals can be a family.

as for procreating, so what if they cant make babies? say, for men, you shoot blanks. does that mean that you cant marry a girl because you cant make babies with her? hell, we might as well kill you, you have no use for this world any more.

who said the goal of life is to have babies? or, who made it my goal? maybe they dont want to have kids. or they could adopt kids. for women, they could go to a sperm back.

to make a law preventing homosexuals to get married, would not only be wrong, but it would be done so based on religion. and you make excellent points about being a free country, and keeping religion out of politics. voting against their marrages would take us one step closer to being a Theocracy, and one step further away from being a free country.

if i could vote on your question i would give it ten out of ten. you make an excellent point.


Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands? - Ernest Gaines
Marriage is the basis of the family unit. Same sex couples can't be families because they cannot procreate. They can have a union (civil or otherwise) but they can never truly be a family.
Marriage is defined as a union between a man and a woman.
Homosexuality is a defect in a gene and is a mental defect. Why put to together in marriage. Two wrpngs do not make a right.
then maybe as a free country they should be allowed. No sweat off my balls what they choose to do with their lives.

its government people that feel they need to make a decision for everyone.

Even if they can't marry they will still be together, so unless you are gonna throw them in jail for it, there is no stopping it.
'Marriage' is every culture going back before recorded history is between a man and a woman; it is natures way of establishing continuity of the species. I believe that if two same sex individuals want to be together legally, then there should be an official term such as civil union to describe this association. They should have the same rights as any heterosexual union which includes divorce and property rights.
Before I finish this... I don't care what anyone else does.

I think the institute of marriage is to benefit raising a family. Same sex can't 'create babies' therefore it is useless for lack of a better word. Historically the reason people get married is for the partnership in child rearing.

so.... one can argue adoption, whatever. Why does anyone really care? what does the paper really mean?
there is absolutely no non-biblical reason that will successfully answer your question.

unless you say:

';i think homosexuality is immoral and personally offensive and i don't think we should legally sanction their union.';

then we walk down the path of legislating morality. if the religious right had their way, homosexuality, sodomy, oral sex, gambling, drinking, and pornography will be illegal, and all of our art and media would be censored.

i really don't know why people support civil unions, but not ';marriage';. give them all the same rights of heterosexual couples but don't call it marriage. what the heck is that about? who cares what you call it?! if it acts like a marriage, and works like a marriage, and protects civil liberties like a marriage, then call it a civil union! how freaking ridiculous.

in addition, if marriage is supposed to be about families and children, what about all of the heterosexual couples out there who choose not to have children? should they not be allowed to be married?
It goes against nature. Nature or evolution designed a man for a woman and vice versa. It is this way in the overwhelming majority of species.
FFS, not this crap again. There is nothing like a man and woman loving one another so much that they decide to make a family and raise their kids and enjoy life like most of us desire. The last time I heard, it takes a man and a woman to do this beautiful thing. I believe in letting gays be but what the hell is up with you weirdos wanting to be married?
How can two people of the same sex continue the human race? They can't since they can't make babies. The law says marriage is between a man and a woman. Personally people will do what they wish. It's not up to me to decide or judge. There are other countries that will allow same sex couples to get married. Maybe that's the alternatve?
well first off my friend you can say marry then say leave religion out of it, marring is a religious process. now as for a unionship between two men or women, i see no problem with it.
Personally I couldn't careless who marries who but as i have time to kill I will argue and say because it goes against centuries and centuries of what has already been established as the social norm. For you to be told time and again that doing A is fine and not to do B but then suddenly out of the blue someone comes out of nowhere and turns that all upside down...kinda disconcerting don't you think?
Many people are going to say that it is against nature and the typical bull$hit. I say that smoking is against our nature, drinking alcohol is against our nature, riding roller coasters is against our nature etc. etc.

You should also mention that it is not an actual marriage but a civil partnership. And I think it is more that fair...people who pay taxes, are together for sometime and lets say that one of them dies...why would his family or the state be entitled to his property and not his partner in life? Anyway, you will not get any fair and proper answer here, just bashing...
No, nor would I care to-the issues to address are in the long-standing probate laws and tax codes (state-by-state). Common law marital status has worked fairly well for heterosexual couples in South Carolina, why not for homosexual couples? There are contractual ways to deal with greedy family members in estate matters, so put some of those family attorneys to work. Most people put off life's unpleasant tasks such as Health Care Power of Attorney, Durable Power of Attorney, and bequeathments, trusts, etc. Become knowledgeable about these instruments and regardless of gender, a person would be better prepared than most for 'recognition' of the role of their significant other. Don't leave your partner to keep the 'wolves from the door' without that valuable paperwork! A real partner would not leave one defenseless, and exposed to petty bias and greed. You can choose your friends, and you can choose family!
Can you buy groceries without a farmer?

Can you drive a car without an engine?

Can you watch tv without a source of electricity?

Can you walk with no legs, hug with no arms, breath with no lungs?

God gave us the Bible to use, not to ignore.

I would say one reason would be financial. Companies in this country are already over-burdened with high health-care costs and to add same-sex ';partners'; would be a devastating blow.

Another reason is tradition. It is simply in the natural order of propagation of the species for man and woman to be together. Not man and man or woman and woman.

Personally, it's none of my business what people do with their lives. In the same respect, it is my right to find such actions unnatural and against my moral judgement.
Tradionly families exist to make babies and raise children. It is biologically impossible for two people of the same sex to be the biological parents of their children.
Marriage is an institution that was allowed by God not government. It's going to be impossible to leave the Bible out of it but if you are going to exclude religion this includes evolution. You have to take a larger leap to believe evolution considering that the theory was claimed to be flawed by the guy that is assumed to believe it most.

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