Sunday, May 9, 2010

What is the best thing to do to avoid misunderstanding between couples?

use plenty of moneyWhat is the best thing to do to avoid misunderstanding between couples?
Don't assume anything, ask :)What is the best thing to do to avoid misunderstanding between couples?
listen, take turns when speaking and compromise. oh yeah, if that doesn't work, make up sex.
Man, I have been trying to answer this question forever!

I guess the best I can say is get over any ego you have, because there are no egos in love. Don't be too proud to apologize, or too cool to admit when you're wrong. And talk talk talk talk talk. If you know each others thoughts and feelings at all times, then there is no time for a misunderstanding, eh? But my number one rule in all of my current relationships are, friends or romantic or family or anything, is DON'T ASK QUESTIONS YOU DON'T WANT ANSWERS TO! With my ex-boyfriends I would always be like, ';Who is that last girl you had sex with? What was it like? Where did you do it?'; And then when he'd answer I'd be crushed and angry at him, so I decided just to not ask questions like that because I really don't want to know!
make sure that both parties understand what the other person is looking for or wants out of the relationship. often times that is whats misunderstood.
The key to any successful relationship is communication. When one communicates with their partners it opens doors that may have been shut that day, and gives each the feeling of importance in the other's life. One is sure to get some wires crossed, and maybe cause so minor arguments that didn't have to be, all because of what... lack of communication.
Have good communication skils and compasion to understand when there are missunderstandings.
Agree to always listen to one another and to never go from each other's sight angry without trying to resolve the disagreement or agree to disagree.
open communication and trust. Ease up with the sarcasm and smart remarks. Even though sometimes people joke around, some things hit a nerve and create resentment. Just communicate openly. If there is anything thats bugging you, don't be afraid to bring it up. Just ask. Misunderstanding is the result of assumptions. And assumptions are dissolved by simple, open communication.

I hope this helps...
never hide anything from each other

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