Friday, January 15, 2010

Is it legal in Massachusetts for same sex couples to get married?

Yes. Hopefully soon it will be legal in all states.Is it legal in Massachusetts for same sex couples to get married?
Yes, it is.

However, like all good things, this one has its provisions... You have to be a resident, and have been a resident for at least three years. BOTH partners. And if you leave the state, the marriage is null and void. Unless the state you travel/move to also allows same-sex marriage law. (I believe MA was the first state to actually legalize and name this a MARRIAGE as opposed to a civil union - which meant at first no s.s. couple could leave the state and still be married.)

I hate this kind of thing... Sure, you took two steps forward. It makes it so much harder for people to grasp that one step back. You think my husband and my marriage becomes in valid if we go out-of-state? No. So why should anybody elses?Is it legal in Massachusetts for same sex couples to get married?
Yes it is! :) Woo hoo for MA!

I am pretty sure you do need to be a resident though. I am not sure what those rules are for other states that have legalized it.
Yes it is.
I heard that it is legal.
Yes it is! And this makes me happy.
Yes :)

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