Sunday, May 9, 2010

How do you think children affect couples these days?

I wish I could say that children brings couples together and ties the relationship together but reality proves me otherwise. Stastistics have shown that couples with 0 children have an INCREDIBLE STASTIC of having LESS THAN HALF THE LEGAL DIVORCES than couples with at least one children (IN THE UNITED STATES).

This stastic disappoints me and it corrects all those day-dreaming couples of how much potential having a child can cripple their relationship. My assumption could be that it is because now their children are now their new focus.

Despite the stastics, I believe that children can only enhance the relationship if the mother and father do not lose their attachment to each other, but most of the time, both parents usually love their children the most now. That's a good thing but divorces spark over their children all because one parent doesn't make kids, two parents do.

This type of selfish greed over the their bundle of joy hurts the child rather than helping it. For children to have the best life, parents need to keep their relationship and hold them together, it's through that, that they can treat their kids better than they would have if they put all their attention on them.How do you think children affect couples these days?
That is a very open question and there are many answers.

Children can affect a single parent trying to date again. They can affect some couples' decision to stay together or split up. They can affect how fast young couples have to grow up. There're too many things to get into a discussion now.How do you think children affect couples these days?
They do not, the children are affect.

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